Monday, March 16, 2020

Ally first stay over : Mar-2020

It took Ally 7 years to muster courage to finally come over to our place to stay with her three jie jie.  It was during the March holidays and in the midst of the convid-19 pandemic where we had to restrict our outings as much as possible.  During our regular Sunday visit to Papa place, Ally suddenly asked her mum for permission to come to our place to stay.  It was a great improvement from her timid self a couple of years back where she would feel so insecure without her parents around.

So came Ally to stay at our place for the first time... While she was here, her jie jie made her feel comfortable and kept her occupied with activities.  She cannot wait to come back during her June holidays and she wanted to stay for every entire week except for Tuesday when she would have her violin lessons. So glad she enjoyed her first stay here. :-)

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