Friday, October 29, 2010

Shin Yang's Birthday :Oct-10

When there is a birthday celebration in the family now, the person whom gets really most excited is probably En'en.  En'en could now better relate and anticipate all events happening in a birthday celebration; cake cutting, red eggs, presents... and just thinking about them, makes her pounding with excitement.

This month is ling's birthday and I had bought her a durian cake from Jane's cake shop at Jalan Kayu.  While Shin Yang enjoys almost any kind of cakes, looking at how En'en responds to the cake makes me feel that this girl would outshine Shin Yang in no time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

En'en Goes On A Plane.. Without Us : Oct-10

Enen went for her first holiday out of the country in June this week. To Genting with Zhenjie's entire clan, including Megan, for a weekend. They went by coach. This time, Zhenjie's entire family brought Enen along for a visit to Joanne in Penang by plane. Her sisters were green with envy at Enen's good fortune to be able to travel & vacation. Look at how mature Enen looked as she checked into the boarding area!

Monday, October 18, 2010

80th Anniversary Song - I Rise : Oct-10

SSA will be holding the 80th Anniversary Celebration on 25 December at the indoor stadium to commemorate the Soka Gakkai's 80th Anniversary and 50th Anniversary of worldwide kosen-rufu. This also signifies a fresh departure for SSA towards 2017, SSA's 50th Anniversary.

A theme song "I Rise" has been specially composed for this occasion. All of us will learn this beautiful song at this month's discussion meeting.

80AnnThemeSong sound clip

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Aspiring Contortionist : Oct-10

After persevering at ballet lessons & exams for more than 6 years, Qiqi is finally showing some enthusiasm at a ballet-related activity - stretching and being flexible. In fact her twisted Qiqi brand of passion once again surface - her ambition now is to be a contortionist!! In fact, she has even google the possible institutions to help realize her dream; she wants me to send her to a supposedly renowned gymnast school in New Jersey.. i bet she doesn't even know where is that!!?

Anyway, to have a dream and to work towards it, is admirable. When she realized that I don't have the resources to send her to New Jersey, she is now looking at local gymnastic programs and even secondary schools with rhythmic gymnastics as its CCA. Whatever it is, at least Qiqi is looking forward to her ballet lessons now.. ;)

Meanwhile.. until she has means to find a decent barrel to practise her barrel contortion acts, our home laundry basket seems an acceptable alternative.

"RIP" iPhone : Oct-10

This must be a funny sight which ponders you... looks really like a wake held for a missing iphone, isn't it?  Well, if that's what you're thinking, then BINGO!  Shinyang had accidentally dropped her phone into the water last night.  According to the apple warranty, any liquid damage to the phone is not covered.  We did not know until the support person told us that there is a actually a little white indicator on the iphone which will turn red/pink if contacted with liquid.  Desperate, Shinyang started to google how to salvage her dear phone.  One recommended way is to keep it under the raw rice which will absorb all it's water moisture.  Many people who had their phone soaked in the washing machine, hot tub, dropped into river were able to revive their phones using this method... Amazing... let's hope Shinyang's phone will back 'alive'.

Paying Last Respects to Mrs Lee Kuan Yew : Oct-10

Last Saturday evening while the family was watching the usual Taiwanese soap opera Love, a series of chinese words ran down the tv: MM Lee's wife has juz passed away at home at the age of 89. Goodness gracious! It has only been a couple of days that MM Lee being admitted into hospital to treat a chest infection was on the news..

Though I was never very interested in Mrs Lee to find out more about her, the manner the media reported her death was very effective in generating this massive sense of loss in me.. that my motherland has lost a mother of the land! Having juz lost mummy and still feeling lost with the loss, guess I felt especially sad about Mrs Lee's departure.. In fact, I felt an urge to go pay my last respects to her!

When I voiced my thought, Xuan immediately said she wants to go too. So on the second day when the public was allowed to visit her wake, Victor took half a day off and we set off to the Istana after fetching Xuan from school and taking a quick lunch together.