Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween shoot : Oct-2020

This year Halloween Qi had requested me to take some photographs with her friends dressed up hilariously like Casper.  Despite the rain, we headed down to National Gallery and continued our shooting.  It turned out funnily well for her to post them on Instagram.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ling birthday : Oct-2020

There are a few things very special about ling birthday this year... Firstly, she had just completed a challenge of 75 days to avoid any pastries and this celebration is her break to be able to taste heavenly cakes again. Then, she also received a specially prepared gift by dor - a big pot of "įŒŠč„šé†‹"!, one of her favourite dishes.  You can see how happy is she that day. :-)

Friday, October 16, 2020

Complete family photo book : Oct-2020

After several years, I finally finished compiling our old family photos into a book to commemorate and pay gratitude to my grandfather.  The book is also meant to remind our younger generation on our family roots.  I have since printed about 7 books and started distributing them to my uncles and aunties, my grandfather's descendants.