Friday, February 20, 2009

Imparting lion dance skills to En'en : Feb-09

That day i happened to passed by Chinatown and decided to buy a lion head for En'en to play. Together with the drum and lion, she could really enjoy the fun together with her sister. I would think it's partly genetic that she enjoyed lion dancing...

Monday, February 16, 2009

En'en injection day : Feb-09

We brought En'en for her 5-in-1 jab... Guess what's her reaction to that needle??

Big grasshopper outside our house : Feb-09

A big grasshopper was spotted on our grilles last Friday.  This humongous creature looked definitely more interesting and colorful than the typical garden grasshopper, but much more dangerous and harmful!  I could just imagine it biting into the tender flesh of my unknowing daughter or scratching their flawless complexion!!  I simply had to chase it away.  Eventually I threw it down six floors.  Hopefully it has landed on the green patch and could start feeding on some leaves and plants.  Hmm.. could this actually be a locust?

Monday, February 9, 2009

All the soft toys the gals have : Feb-09

Out of fun, Qiqi took out all the soft toys in the house and arranged them on the upper deck bed... look at them, we could open a shop to start business.

My new toy, ipod touch : Feb-09

Thanks to Dorothy, I'd managed to get my new toy, ipod touch gen2, at a much discount rate... after exploring the toy for a few days, i am very impressed with Apple in how they managed their product pipe-line... The packaging is slick, equipment is light and thin, battery life is long, user interface is cool, tons of application and easily accessible... I had started to use it as my PDA, load with all my favorite photos, podcast, video, games, emails... and many many other applications. Impressive... highly recommended.. hahaha