Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 2018 WD General Meeting : May-18

Whether it’s WDFD (wd formation day) or this year’s WDGM (wd general meeting), each time it happens that WD has to to run our own district meeting, it’s a challenge and I always thought i would surely be done in this time!! 😰 This year too.. I have absolutely no will to look for my testimonial speakers or hunt for a creative item to have fun with everybody. “Surely, if I will it enough, this WD meeting may disappear on its own, wouldn’t it?” —that’s how much fundamental darkness I always have in my life!!

However, unfortunately or fortunately, I have a nagging consideration at the back of my mind—my freshly minted wd sister has juz joined my district, surely I cannot give her a lousy FIRST WD district meeting, right? 😓

With that as my slight and only motivation, I set forth to chant, to depend on daimoku to elevate my life state, and improve the plight of my non-existent planning for this WDGM.. 🙏🏼

It is exactly for times like this that we need the support of others, that we cannot practice Buddhism in silo, that we may falter and fall if we are alone. 

All thanks to my ever enthusiastic faith buddies who have been updating me on what they were going to do for their meetings, and my leaders who insisted that we all meet and plan together, and who eventually helped me run my rehearsal meeting too. Also thanks to my dearest members who ardently supported me, supported our district; one gamely took up the emcee role, and yet another offered me her house to meet! One good thing led to another, a buddy who must have sensed my inertia, timely offered to relate her testimonial at my meeting!! Immediately I accepted her offer. I have always wanted her to come and share at my meeting but because her meeting is always the same time as mine, it could not happen for years.. Wow! For the first time, I have 2 invited speakers to relate their testimonial at my meeting!!

With all these encouragement, I managed to gather enough steam to put together a decent meeting agenda, and even went all out to reach out to members, friends and acquaintances to invite them to my meeting! To break the monotony of all talk-only, my leader suggested I play something on my flute as a cultural item. It’s a low-hanging fruit.. even though the result may not be fantastic, this is something very simple and easily achievable. Okay, I can do that.

A faith buddy shared with me a very suitable (also reads very easy) music arrangement for a suitable song for this meeting. After a couple of running through, I realized I don’t have the skill to play the piece beautifully all by myself! 😥 

This is when my most most reliable lifelong kosen-rufu partner stepped in.. he didn’t mind to juz strum those chords alongside me, he didn’t mind to attend an all-women meeting to play the song with me, he didn’t mind to spend an entire afternoon at my meeting juz to play the 3-minute song with me!! In fact, he also didn’t mind bringing along his camera to take pictures of my meeting and driving me there and helping me put up & subsequently take down my decorations!! He’s such a dear and an unshakeable pillar of support.. he’s like the formidable genie from Aladdin’s magical lamp!!

Anyway, because of these wonderful people in my life, my meeting was a most awesome one!! What I lacked in terms of attendance, I believe was made up with the earnestness and joy of everyone present. Our WDGM was a success, a resounding victory because of everyone who was there!! I was extremely touched and gratified..❤️❤️

Here are some pictures and a clip from our 2018 WDGM ..

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Major reno work 2018, Aircon installation : May-18

This would probably be the most major reno work at home for 2018, a replacement of our existing air conditioning system!   In additional, we were also be putting on 2 new BTU units at our 'long-awaited' living and study room.

The work was massive, 3 guys from Cold Engine (company i engaged) came at about 10am in the morning; dismantled our existing system, run the piping and electricity for 4 rooms, installed the BTU units and finally the compressor.  Another 2 resource came at 5pm to help out their team and the entire work eventually completed at 7pm, a solid 9 hours, super hard work!

Although this damage was more than $4k, we were grateful to be reward with a much quieter air conditioning for all our rooms now. :-)

Work in progress in Living Room
Our new rooms BTU
Removing the old faulty compressor
Work in progress in MasterBed Room
Helping out too...
New compressor
NewAircon installed at Study Room

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Painting our master bed room : May-18

Every year I would try to do a bit of renovation in our house to keep it nice and warm.

Last year we did a major overhaul to our study room.  This year, we were going to another big job to change our aircon systems.  Thus before the installation starts, I took the opportunity to re-paint our room.  I spent almost the whole day to complete the painting and not possible if without the help from ling.  It was nevertheless very rewarding to see a new look for the room.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

First 2 implant teeth in place : May-18

Finally, after going thru much agony, I had my first two implant teeth at on lower right jaw.  It was a wonderful experience, and they felt natural, it’s like uniting with some long lost friends. 😜

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5.3 Official Photographer : May-18

As part of the Angsana group, it was my second time to officially take the 5.3 event at HQ.  This is a big event for SGI where our presidents had their inauguration and also a day to celebrate with the mothers in the Soka Family.

During my first 5.3 assignment 3 years back, I actually had a minor car accident at the Tampines carpark on my way there.  Nevertheless, I managed on to execute and complete my duty.

This year was also special for Shin Yang.  Instead of participating the event as a mother, she was performing for the mothers with her Symphonic Band instead.  This coincidence, again, allowed me to take photos for Shin Yang and her band, 'officially'.

This is also my first time taking photos with shirt and tie.  It was only the next day when Shin Yang reminded that what was missing was a nice photograph of us together, participating in 5.3!  So true... :-) Nevertheless, proud to be part of it again.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kiyaan's 1st month celebration : May-18

Our YMD leader, Kanish, and his wife, Ratna, have finally moved to their next phase in life, entering parenthood!  They are proud to welcome their new family member, a baby boy who they named Kiyaan.  We are glad to be invited to celebrate their joy during the full month baby shower.  The photos are well taken too. :-)