Friday, June 23, 2000

2000 : Qi performing : May-2020

As you can see, Qiqi loves to perform since young... it is naturally in her blood!

Saturday, April 22, 2000

2000 : Qi in kitchen : May-2020

This post shows to prove how Qiqi enjoys been shot in the camera since a toddler.

Saturday, March 25, 2000

2000 : Qi taking medicine : May-2020

One of the scariest things about Qi when she is a baby is the time when she needs to take her medicine.  It will easily take us hours just feed her a single dosage.

Comparing CJ7 and Qiqi when young : Mar-08

Can't help but find some similarities in CJ7 with Qiqi... enjoy this clip... hahaha

Saturday, February 26, 2000

Qiqi singing 泥娃娃 (2000) : Mar-08

Singing along 泥娃娃 with Qiqi... a song taught to Qiqi by Mama... next time if we have a grandchild, he/she will probably be taught with a Jay Chou's song... maybe 听妈妈的话?Hahaha...