Our Family Diary

Friday, November 22, 2013

Xuan's PSLE Results Release : Nov-13

22 November -- the day Xuan's PSLE results would be known.  Victor took leave on that day and around noon time, the whole family accompanied Xuan to school to receive her results.

Juz like three years ago, their principal spoke at great length, sharing statistics on how well the school had performed relative to the national standards.
Everyone was very happy that no one in the school failed in this year's PSLE!!

The principal then went on to announce and personally congratulate every student who scored 250 and above.  By alphabetical order.  Clearly, Xuan was nervous.  Frankly, so was I.  Victor too.
Soon, it was evident that Xuan did not have the opportunity to shake the principal's hand. 
Immediately after the principal dismissed the assembly for the class teachers to distribute the result slips, Xuan's buddies came over to comfort her.
Many hugs and encouragement words were exchanged.  Obviously there were many who were pretty pleased with the results, and also many who were rather devastated..

It did not take long for most of them to come to terms with their results and cherish the one last time they would gather altogether in the school in this school uniform...

 Notes and handmade momentos were exchanged..

Pictures with friends and classmates were taken one last time in this school uniform in this school hall..  Afterwhich most of them would be posted to different schools to continue their pursuit of education.

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