Our Family Diary

Saturday, March 29, 2014

En Wants to Learn to Cycle : Mar-14

Qi learned to cycle at 12 years old. Xuan learnt to cycle at 11 years old. Suddenly juz at the beginning of the March holidays, En announced to me that she wants to learn how to cycle by this holiday!

As mummy, of course I support her!! At her age, En is growing fast, and I am not sure if it is sound investment to buy a child bicycle for her.. Her interest may not last. I still recall how Qi had asked for a bicycle and Mummy bought her a pink Barbie one for her birthday. After the initial spark of interest died off, that pretty Barbie bike stood in Ma's room for the longest period of time.. many years!! *sweat*

I began to ask around to see if anyone has a child bike to give away.. Sharon happened to want to discard Colin's bike.. I was in luck!! Before long, En succeeded in getting me to bring back Colin's bike..
Although the bike seemed a lil' small for En, it did not have training wheels, hence easier for her to manage, I thought. En was so excited and could not wait to begin cycling!! Unfortunately, Colin's bike has not been used since last year, and the tires need pumping. We had to wait for her pa to do that.

After a few tries, both En's Pa and Yeye concluded that the bicycle's tire could not be pumped due to a faulty valve stem. Bicycle shops nearby said the entire tire would have to be changed and it may be more worth it to get a new bike instead. Well, that rendered Colin's bike useless.. En was devastated!! Her disappointment and cries promoted her Ah Mah to intervene and promised to buy her a new bike!!

Although En was slated a new bike, it was not smooth-sailing too. The first bike shop we went on a Thursday aftrrnoon was surprisingly closed!! En burst into temper seeing the closed door!!

Deciding not to give up so easily, we looked up and called the shop and found out that this Lor Ah Soo bicycle shop only opens at 2:30pm! Fortunately we were juz 20 minutes away from that time.. And waited until the shop opened.

Looking at En, the aunty in the shop recommended a 18'' for En's height. However the 18'' bicycle has been out of stock for many weeks! Stock would come only the following week.. We left the shop very disappointed. 

I told Victor En's disappointment. Seemed that her Pa can empathize fully because that very evening after he knocked off from work, he sped to Giant to get a bike for his precious princess. Well, 18'' is out of stock at Giant too. Not wanting to disappoint his princess, he went on to the Ave 5 bike shop! Well, 18'' is out of stock there as well!! Feeling disappointed and fed up by then, he called up the Ave 8 bike shop who told him that they have juz assembled one 18'' bike; one and only one. Needless to say Victor flew down to buy that one and only bike!!

Despite being a Hobson's choice, it's a beautiful bike and En loves it!! I have to bring her downstairs to let her test out her new bike the very next day morning!!

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