Our Family Diary

Thursday, December 26, 2013

District Pot-luck and early X'mas dinner : Dec-13

3 days after coming back from Taiwan and just into the middle of December, we begun our series of X’mas, New Year and Birthdays parties!

To start off, was our district year end Potluck at Mona’s place, which Mona kindly booked the function hall for us a month ago.  Despite the holiday season, we had quite a decent attendance, with families attending along with their spouse and kids.  

Right after this potluck, was Dor’s annual X’mas dinner at Papa’s place, this time with Ally! Dor prepared such sumptuous dinner and we helped ourselves to a second round.

For me, the food was probably secondary, I cherished the human interaction that was priceless.  Having said, there were still moments we would need to ‘drag’ ourselves to such gatherings especially around this period. However most of the gatherings would turn out much pleasant and beyond our expectation, it was usually our minds that limit our expectation, isn’t it?

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