Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mummy's Passing Away on 6.3 : Aug-10

Mummy has always held Ikeda Sensei, her mentor in life, close to her heart. She holds her head up high as Sensei's true disciple as she cherishes her members and fights alongside them for their happiness and victories. Mummy said she has no regrets and a life of kosen-rufu is indeed the way to live a meaningful existence. In very recent years, Mummy has also became a very reliable senior in faith whose extremely sound and candid advice, I have came to realize, I cannot do without.

This year is a very significant year as we celebrate Soka Gakkai's 80th anniversary and Ikeda Sensei's 50th year inauguration as its president. So why does Mummy has to go in this year when we want to celebrate our victories on December 30, 2010? Why?? Surely there must be something more profound than mere coincidence ya?

Mummy's existence till June 3rd this year is in itself a victory. By practising the Mystic Law, Mummy has transformed her fixed karma and increased her lifespan by a good twenty years! This is indeed an amazing victory as the Daishonin prayed for his mother and prolonged her life by four years.. Mummy has prolonged her life by twenty years!!

May 3rd or 5.3 is Soka Gakkai Day, the day on which Toda Sensei and Ikeda Sensei were inaugurated as Soka Gakkai's second and third presidents respectively; the day on which Makiguchi Sensei attended his last Gakkai general meeting before his imprisonment and subsequently passing away in the prison; the day on which our mentor renewed his vows for kosen-rufu based on the spirit of mentor and disciple.

July 3rd or 7.3 is Mentor & Disciple Day, the day on which Toda Sensei was released from prison during World War II; the day on which Ikeda Sensei was imprisoned on false charges for crimes he has never committed. Both 5.3 and 7.3 are dates which the Soka Gakkai never fails to commemorate and observe year after year.

Mummy has chosen a date right smack in between these two significant dates on June 3rd, to pass away. Maybe Mummy wants us to acknowledge that her life, and indeed she wants our lives too, to be closely interconnected with the Gakkai.. Not forgetting that Mummy and Papa's wedding anniversary falls on November 18th or 11.18, date of establishment of the Soka Gakkai. Neither Mummy nor Papa knew Soka Gakkai or Nam-myoho-renge-kyo then..

June is not only the school holidays for my girls, June is also the time for all to review the progress on the goals and targets set at the beginning of the year.. Probably Mummy wants us to after mourning her death, to quickly pick ourselves up once again as we refocus on working towards the accomplishment of our goals and targets set for this significant year of Soka Gakkai's 80th anniversary? So that we must emerge victorious on December 30th, 2010 regardless?

Sensei said, "If you allow yourself to be defeated, all the excuses in the world will get you nowhere. Defeat is defeat no matter how eloquently you may justify yourself. The important thing is to win where you are right now; to achieve victory without fail."

Mummy is no doubt a fighter, a victor till the very end. Surely she will want all of us to fight and to accumulate victories after victories in our lives, till the very end too!

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