Our Family Diary

Friday, October 23, 2009

On a PSLE Marking Day : Oct-09

Chinese New Year comes early!! Well, if you can eat your favourite CNY goodie all year round, wouldn't it be like Chinese New Year all year round too? That might juz happen if i can master the skills! ;)

Mama's limited edition pineapple tarts cooked almost from scratch - we bought 5 pineapples and a packet of pineapple paste and came up with about 3 tubs of our family favourite goodies. Look at the tartlets, don't they simply look inviting and delicious??

Adding to the occasion, we also baked a beetroot cake - a pretty healthy one with lots of beetroot, dried cranberries, dried apricot, raisins and olive oil.

Phew~~ that used up a couple of packets of your flour, dear Nancy! ;)

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