Our Family Diary

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eunos Zone Discussion Meeting : Sep-09

For many months since the outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus, we do not have meetings. We have finally resumed some now but the discussion meetings are held at zone level and minimal preparation is required at the district (can't speak for the chapter la..) level. Nevertheless, our chapter has been tasked to run this zone meeting this month, so almost everyone who took to the stage, from the emcees to the speakers are familiar faces to our Eunos West members.

The wonderful benefit shared by Mr Gan is indeed the pride of our district and chapter leaders as we personally witnessed how he transformed from a sickly cancer-striken patient to someone who walks faster than us, laughs louder than us and whose eyes sparkle brighter than ours!

We enjoyed this meeting more than last month's. Hahaa.. .. guess being involved in the prep helps! ;)

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