Our Family Diary

Thursday, December 31, 2015

To The Café With Buddies, Princesses & Prince : Dec-15

School holidays have been the time where sunshine buddies try to meet up with our offsprings. Last year we had lava cake and pizza making. For a change we decided to try out a café in town where they offer customers a choice to display their artistic talents through acrylic paints on a full-sized canvas and easel.

Weeks in advance, we confirmed a date and we all looked forward to our date!! Unfortunately on the day and juz minutes to our appointment, an emergency cropped up at Huili's home and she could not make it with her princes..

Nonetheless, the rest of us had a fabulous time in that immaculate restaurant-café where almost everything was picture-perfect! And that of course included us!!

Can't wait for a wefie.. the ordering of food can wait!

Signature cold lychee tea ..
Prince of MonteCarlo something.. with sweet potato fries on the side
Warm Dandelion tea with flower honey
Afternoon treats special.. dainty finger yummies!!
My sunshine buddies!!

Our entire ging gang with most of our food !!

I Am Sunshine Aunty No More : Dec-15

Since end 2002 when I crossed over from Orchid group to Primary Division as Sunshine Aunty, it has been 13 years. These have been my most fulfilling and rewarding years in the WD, and I would not have grown half as much in faith had I not been here.

My beautiful P6 cubs !!
20 Nov 2015 was the last time I conducted a PD meeting. A few of my lion cubs from previous years' class came to join as they had participated in the PD graduation rehearsal the day before. It was a good meeting!!
A final group photo with my lion cubs & fella SAs

5 Dec 2015 saw me officially graduated from the PD. So far, I am not sad but more glad to be able to have walked this journey and definitely looking forward to doing even more for kosen-rufu!!
Sunshine buddies !!
Fella graduate Ivy.. we accomplished 10 home visits a day once!!

Hougang SA graduates Jennifer, Ivy & me
With all my Hougang sunshine auntys !!

20 Dec was the last time I attended a sunshine aunty gathering! Tough as it was to schedule a common timing to meet up at year end, we did it! Most of us who could make it, were treated to a home cooked feast. The graduates were also presented with a surprise gift - scrapbook of past PD photos and messages from all the class 6 sunshine auntys. I'm seriously touched. Whipping up a feast for more than 10 is no mean feat and took our cooks the entire day since morning!! Putting together the scrapbooks also requires lots of tedium, patience and perseverance.. Thank you, dearest Lai Kuin!! And I didn't even take a personal picture with her!!? Haiz..

Sumptuous homecooked spread by Lai Kuin & hubby !!
Mee, pretty jelly dessert & jellyfish
Cheers, ladies !!
Wefie by me !!
Lai Kuin's pretty altar was completely hidden by us! haha...
A final group picture with our TLC souvenir scrapbooks!!

Last Zadankai of 2015 : Dec-15

In a flash, we have came to the end of 2015. In this Year of Dynamic Development in the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu, we endeavored a series of 4 friendship meetings held on the district level, in the months from July to September. Although most of our leaders and members do not bring new friends to our district meetings, our yongsha, led by victor, confronted this friendship meeting challenge with much gusto and almost no complaints. With the guidelines given by HQ, we plunged into our usual planning-rehearsal-meeting routine for each of our friendship meetings. We have learnt that very key to a friendship meeting, is the sharing of personal victories. New friends and members alike, and many times even leaders, would find this very encouraging and inspiring.

For this last meeting of 2015, Victor invited his cousin-in-law to share how he overcame his wife's illness through faith and the encouragement of senior leaders. 
Gee Peng sharing his testimonial

At the same time, since I have taken on a new challenge to join the soka new century orchestra and pick up my flute again, I gladly obliged to do the cultural segment of the meeting with a flute piece. Having juz picked up my instrument again and without any of my old scores, actually I wasn't really sure I could do it. Fortunately after much hunting, I managed to find the music sheet I was looking for and player that piece during zadankai!! (^_^)
Me playing my piece & doing my best to stop my saliva from dripping!!

For this final district meeting of the year, we had also planned for a gathering afterwards as one of our young men juz got married and we wanted to throw him a casual party to congratulate him and welcome his new bride. Although it didn't work out as we had planned, most of the members did stay back a while to take a group picture as well as the food prepared!
Can you spot Kanish & his new bride?

Bye 2015.. 2016 must be an even better year!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Dor's Birthday X'mas Gathering : Dec-15

Ever since Dor became my sis-in-law, X'mas or Dec 25 has taken on a new dimension for the family. Traditionally we never celebrate Christmas since we are not Christians, but now we do because it's also Dor's birthday!!
Every year we are invited to Dor's mum's place together with Dor's favorite cousin and their families, where we will be treated to a X'mas feast followed by exchange and unwrapping of X'mas and birthday presents. Since the addition of the young ones, unwrapping of the gifts have become much more exciting and noisy!!

Japan Trip Video : Dec-15

For the last couple of years, I had been focusing and enjoying photography… so, it had been a while since I spent some time creating a video.  I took our Japan holiday as an opportunity to do one before year end in 2015.

First polymer clay try - Alien : Dec-15

During our Japan trip in Takayama, I came across a shop selling wooden craft figurines which was very impressive.  Unfortunately the prices were equally impressive, with the cheapest figurine costing at about S$300.  Though tempted, I did not sell any eventually.  But it left me pondering if I would really want to spend that kind of money to buy any of them.

After thinking for a while when we came back to Tokyo, I concluded that it would be unlikely for me to spend that kind of amount.  At the same time, I also decided that I would try to use clay and make them myself instead!

I started to ask Xuan about the different types of clay that could be used for making figurine.  When we were back in Singapore, we then went to ArtFriend to buy the polymer clay which was recommended by Xuan.

After buying the clay, I did not immediately jumped into action.  I proceed to purchase some clay tools from TaoBao and even made a wooden stand to hold my future clay works.

On the arrival of the clay tools, I then had to decide my first figurine project with the polymer clay… I finally set the decision in moulding an alien head, mainly because there was a lot of room for creativity and best, no definite features about an alien.

So after watching a few youtube videos, I moulded my first figurine with the polymer clay.  It was relaxing and fun playing with the clay, and best of all, it would not turn hard until you baked it.  After a few days of casual crafting, I finally was able to bake my first polymer clay artpiece, an Alien Head!
My Alien Head

Sunday, December 27, 2015

X'mas at Alfred and Doris' place : Dec-15

For at least five years now, Alfred and Doris have been very kind to invite our family over during Christmas Eve to feast at their place.  This X'mas gathering adds a different taste to our regular Chinese New Year gatherings, with Western food and presents replacing ang-baos.  Such regular gatherings are no easy tasks and require persistent efforts and patience.  Nonetheless, family bonds are often built over these tireless efforts and patience, and we are grateful that we are part of these gatherings. 

Family Japan Holidays : Dec-15

With heartfelt gratitude, we visited Japan again for our vacation this year. 

We were blessed with lovely weather, surrounded with friendly and helpful people and protected by Buddhist gods for the entire trip.

Most importantly, this was another great opportunity for amazing family bonding across the three generations where we enjoyed every place and cherished every moment.

Like any other holidays, it ended too soon, before we even realised it.

Well, the itinerary and photographs served to capture some of our most beautiful moments and wonderful memories during our most awesome vacation!!


Saturday, December 26, 2015

First duet - Morigasaki Beach : Dec-15

After graduating from SunShine Aunty this year, Shin Yang decided to pick up her flute again and joined the Soka New Century Orchestra. She was excited about her new commitment and was passionate in playing her instrument well again. 

During our December discussion meeting, she even played the beautiful “Morigasaki Beach” which received affirming applause from the crowd. While watching her perform, I also felt how nice it will be if I could play the song along with my ukulele. So, right after the meeting, I got Shin Yang to sit down with me and help me figure out the chords for the song. I then spent an hour or so to catch the rhythm before testing them out with Shin Yang later that evening. 

Ling playing at district meeting
After several practices, it finally gave birth to our first flute and ukulele duet. Enjoy. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Soka Women Glorious Victory Day 2015 : Nov-15

Since 2009 when mummy arranged with me to dress nice nice and take picture after the Soka Women Glorious Victory Day, this special SSA day has taken on a personal significance for me.

For the first time since my knowledge, this is the first time all the Soka women, WD, YWD, leaders, members, believers and new friends are invited to attend a big meeting at the HQ. Although the few ladies I had invited either turned me down or did not manage to show up, I had a great time taking some pictures after the meeting. 

Oh yes, Victor was also there at the women's meeting!! Yeah, he's the official photographer of the meeting and he took all these beautiful pictures!! (^_^)

With my loveliest buddy & daughters!!
A cute picture..
.. with all my closest & loved ones!!
With my most lovely & supportive WDs
With my WD seniors

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Our wedding anniversary : Nov-15

November is also the month which Shin Yang and myself tied our knot for both registration in 1996 and customary wedding in 1997. 

In a flash, we are now registered for 19 years and soon will be celebrating our 20th anniversary or China marriage.  Although our marriage journey is not a bed of roses, we have both learnt to enjoy each other company more, along with our beautiful princesses.  And most importantly, our good fortune in practicing together in the Soka family based on the faith in Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism.

In November I also posted on facebook to share our anniversary joy, and was delighted to be blessed with our highest record of ‘Like’s and comments. :P