Our Family Diary

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Soka Women Glorious Victory Day 2015 : Nov-15

Since 2009 when mummy arranged with me to dress nice nice and take picture after the Soka Women Glorious Victory Day, this special SSA day has taken on a personal significance for me.

For the first time since my knowledge, this is the first time all the Soka women, WD, YWD, leaders, members, believers and new friends are invited to attend a big meeting at the HQ. Although the few ladies I had invited either turned me down or did not manage to show up, I had a great time taking some pictures after the meeting. 

Oh yes, Victor was also there at the women's meeting!! Yeah, he's the official photographer of the meeting and he took all these beautiful pictures!! (^_^)

With my loveliest buddy & daughters!!
A cute picture..
.. with all my closest & loved ones!!
With my most lovely & supportive WDs
With my WD seniors

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