Our Family Diary

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Zadankai of 2015 : Dec-15

In a flash, we have came to the end of 2015. In this Year of Dynamic Development in the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu, we endeavored a series of 4 friendship meetings held on the district level, in the months from July to September. Although most of our leaders and members do not bring new friends to our district meetings, our yongsha, led by victor, confronted this friendship meeting challenge with much gusto and almost no complaints. With the guidelines given by HQ, we plunged into our usual planning-rehearsal-meeting routine for each of our friendship meetings. We have learnt that very key to a friendship meeting, is the sharing of personal victories. New friends and members alike, and many times even leaders, would find this very encouraging and inspiring.

For this last meeting of 2015, Victor invited his cousin-in-law to share how he overcame his wife's illness through faith and the encouragement of senior leaders. 
Gee Peng sharing his testimonial

At the same time, since I have taken on a new challenge to join the soka new century orchestra and pick up my flute again, I gladly obliged to do the cultural segment of the meeting with a flute piece. Having juz picked up my instrument again and without any of my old scores, actually I wasn't really sure I could do it. Fortunately after much hunting, I managed to find the music sheet I was looking for and player that piece during zadankai!! (^_^)
Me playing my piece & doing my best to stop my saliva from dripping!!

For this final district meeting of the year, we had also planned for a gathering afterwards as one of our young men juz got married and we wanted to throw him a casual party to congratulate him and welcome his new bride. Although it didn't work out as we had planned, most of the members did stay back a while to take a group picture as well as the food prepared!
Can you spot Kanish & his new bride?

Bye 2015.. 2016 must be an even better year!!

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