Our Family Diary

Thursday, December 31, 2015

I Am Sunshine Aunty No More : Dec-15

Since end 2002 when I crossed over from Orchid group to Primary Division as Sunshine Aunty, it has been 13 years. These have been my most fulfilling and rewarding years in the WD, and I would not have grown half as much in faith had I not been here.

My beautiful P6 cubs !!
20 Nov 2015 was the last time I conducted a PD meeting. A few of my lion cubs from previous years' class came to join as they had participated in the PD graduation rehearsal the day before. It was a good meeting!!
A final group photo with my lion cubs & fella SAs

5 Dec 2015 saw me officially graduated from the PD. So far, I am not sad but more glad to be able to have walked this journey and definitely looking forward to doing even more for kosen-rufu!!
Sunshine buddies !!
Fella graduate Ivy.. we accomplished 10 home visits a day once!!

Hougang SA graduates Jennifer, Ivy & me
With all my Hougang sunshine auntys !!

20 Dec was the last time I attended a sunshine aunty gathering! Tough as it was to schedule a common timing to meet up at year end, we did it! Most of us who could make it, were treated to a home cooked feast. The graduates were also presented with a surprise gift - scrapbook of past PD photos and messages from all the class 6 sunshine auntys. I'm seriously touched. Whipping up a feast for more than 10 is no mean feat and took our cooks the entire day since morning!! Putting together the scrapbooks also requires lots of tedium, patience and perseverance.. Thank you, dearest Lai Kuin!! And I didn't even take a personal picture with her!!? Haiz..

Sumptuous homecooked spread by Lai Kuin & hubby !!
Mee, pretty jelly dessert & jellyfish
Cheers, ladies !!
Wefie by me !!
Lai Kuin's pretty altar was completely hidden by us! haha...
A final group picture with our TLC souvenir scrapbooks!!

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