Our Family Diary

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Paying Last Respects to Mrs Lee Kuan Yew : Oct-10

Last Saturday evening while the family was watching the usual Taiwanese soap opera Love, a series of chinese words ran down the tv: MM Lee's wife has juz passed away at home at the age of 89. Goodness gracious! It has only been a couple of days that MM Lee being admitted into hospital to treat a chest infection was on the news..

Though I was never very interested in Mrs Lee to find out more about her, the manner the media reported her death was very effective in generating this massive sense of loss in me.. that my motherland has lost a mother of the land! Having juz lost mummy and still feeling lost with the loss, guess I felt especially sad about Mrs Lee's departure.. In fact, I felt an urge to go pay my last respects to her!

When I voiced my thought, Xuan immediately said she wants to go too. So on the second day when the public was allowed to visit her wake, Victor took half a day off and we set off to the Istana after fetching Xuan from school and taking a quick lunch together.

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