After persevering at ballet lessons & exams for more than 6 years, Qiqi is finally showing some enthusiasm at a ballet-related activity - stretching and being flexible. In fact her twisted Qiqi brand of passion once again surface - her ambition now is to be a contortionist!! In fact, she has even google the possible institutions to help realize her dream; she wants me to send her to a supposedly renowned gymnast school in New Jersey.. i bet she doesn't even know where is that!!?
Anyway, to have a dream and to work towards it, is admirable. When she realized that I don't have the resources to send her to New Jersey, she is now looking at local gymnastic programs and even secondary schools with rhythmic gymnastics as its CCA. Whatever it is, at least Qiqi is looking forward to her ballet lessons now.. ;)
Meanwhile.. until she has means to find a decent barrel to practise her barrel contortion acts, our home laundry basket seems an acceptable alternative.
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