Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Convid-19 : Grocery Shopping : Apr-2020

2020 is a special year.  We are only in Mid-April and the entire world has changed drastically due to the convid-19 pandemic.  Beginning of this year, this contagious virus has been spreading fast across almost every country in the world.  The world has since slowed it pace dramatically as many countries progress to a lock-down to prevent the speed of the spread.

Although Singapore has our first case as early as Jan, we have managed the situation pretty well. It is only in April when some bigger clusters are formed which require us to finally execute a 'lock-down' which we called a circuit breaker.  Schools are closed, non-essential business closed or need to work from home until 04-May for a 4 weeks breaker.

During this period, we are allowed to do essential stuffs like grocery shopping.  Despite constant advice to citizens to stay calm and stop panic shopping, empty shelves can still be observed.  We try to perform our shopping weekly and in the early morning to avoid crowds.  Interestingly, this chore has become our highlight every week, our only family time to go out shopping during this pandemic.

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