Sunday, July 31, 2016

Business Trip to Sydney : Jul-16

This trip to Sydney was not part of my planned travel in 2016, it came as a 'stretched' target for me and I was supposed to temporarily take over the IT operations there for the next 10 months!  Nevertheless, i was 'rewarded' with this flight to the cold Sydney on our comfortable SIA business class.  Travelling alone there to work did not generate much excitement, even worst, when you were not certain of the people and tasks which you would be handling in the near future.

However, from the positive perspective, there were still a few good things worth mentioning:
1. Going to a winter country in June was refreshing.  It did not strike me that Australia was at the other sphere until I was packing my luggage.  It was nice to escape the June heat and humidity in Singapore to somewhere chilly.  It was 7 degree when I landed at Sydney, such refreshing feeling.
Cold and Beautiful Sydney
2. Met Mummy and Papa's old friends and had dinner.  It was almost 20 years ago (in 1997) when Shin Yang and myself went to Sydney for our honeymoon and mummy had asked us to visit her old friends,Aunty素贞and Uncle锡万, who had since migrated there. During then, they were very nice and had brought us out to the beach, casino, lunch and also their house.
1997 - With Aunty素贞and Uncle锡万during honeymoon
2016 - Dinner with Aunty素贞and Uncle锡万
I was lucky to bump into them again in the Sydney Casino this time, even though they took a while to recall who I was.  I took the opportunity to buy them dinner and updated them on the family.  Before parting, I also had uncle to write something for Papa just to link up these distanced friends.

3. Capturing the plane taking off. Although I had taken the plane numerous times, I never really took the effort to capture a video during the take off.  This time I did, it was amazing.

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