Monday, February 29, 2016

Koh family reunion dinner : Feb-16

Since I was born, I had never recalled such reunion dinner between these two families which were under by grandfather.  There would be opportunities during red or white events,  but not deliberate.  Last year, we got a bit more chances to meet up due to a white and a red occasion, then followed by several visits to Uncle Desmond who later passed on end last year too.  Building on to these gatherings to improve our relationship, Uncle Peter kindly suggested a Chinese New Year dinner reunion between the two Koh families, an event outside for the Red and White zones and definitely the first-of-its-kind.  He graciously appointed me as the point of contact for our side, we set a date and started confirming their availability. On 18-Feb-16 evening, the 2  Koh families finally came together at the Dragon Phoenix Restaurant for their first reunion dinner.  It was an joyous evening with endless catching up and toasting, a night which we would remember for a long time to come.

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