Monday, May 4, 2015

New role in GSK after 14 years in manufacturing : May-15

In the beginning of this year, I had determined to put in more time to chant for a breakthrough in all endeavors.  So since new year day, I had been steadily maintaining and increasing my daimoku.  To be honest, I had never chanted so much in my entire life before.

Then early February this year, I knew by chance that there was an opening for a functional consultant role within the global SAP implementation team.  Although I was excited about the opportunity, this job required me to travel for about 50%, which was exactly quite a change to my routine, family and gakkai activities.  I had a good chat with Shin Yang and she was supportive for me to apply. However both of us agreed to base the outcome through faith and daimoku.  Thus, after obtaining agreement from my directors, I proceed to apply for the job and also chanted fervently for a good outcome.  When I was chanting, I was telling Gohozon that I would like to advance in my career and had applied for this role, if it would be suitable, then please let me get it, otherwise allow other opportunities to arise. After chanting for several weeks, I still did not get any response back and at the end of March, the chance looked rather slim.  All these while, I preserved with my chanting and continued to work hard in my job. Interestingly about the same time during end March, someone in UK nominated me to be developed as the Asia Pacific Risk Assessment Manager.  Then, my ex-boss also came to my site and asked me if I would like to join her team as the Regional Operation Manager.  Suddenly, I was flooded with new opportunities!  It eventually turned out that I got the Regional Operation Manager Role, as well as the Risk Manager Role which required minimum traveling.  Mystically, everything that I had learn in my previous jobs also seemed to be applicable in my new role.  As a result, I finally got a good change in my career after 14 years in the manufacturing plant.  I also got a super nice city view from the new office and best of all, I also save at least an hour of traveling time a day, giving me more time for activities with the family and Gakkai.  Indeed, this was another of my actual proof, nothing is impossible when you practiced seriously and faithfully.

Beautiful View from Office
Another  beautiful View from Office

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