Monday, December 29, 2014

Jay Chou concert@New Stadium : Dec-14

This was the third time we went to watch Jay’s concert in Singapore.  The past two concerts were held in the indoor stadium with a capacity of less than 10,000 while this time, it was held in our new stadium with a capacity of more than 30,000.  Shin Yang bought the tickets several months back and each ticket was almost S$200, not cheap in my opinion.  The concert was initially scheduled early November but subsequently postponed due to the infamous grass issue in our new stadium.  Nevertheless, we were excited to go to the concert and excited about the opportunity to visit the ‘state of the art’ Stadium. 

Compared to the last two concerts we attended, this 2014 Jay concert was rather disappointing in many aspects.  Personally I felt that the most disappointing factors resulted from the poorly designed Stadium.  From my consumer point of view, basic amenities and infrastructure of the stadium were unable to cope with  the demand of the crowd, not to mention other details like the stadium grass or roof.  Even with the non-full stadium capacity during this concert, restaurants were packed with long queues lining outside, walkways were too narrow to cater the movement of the crowd during rain, stadium car parks could not manage the car flow, traffic policemen were required to regulate traffic, MRT station too small… etc etc.  During the concert, the rain was also able to ‘sneak’ into the stadium and concert-goers were ‘splashed’ with rain and needed umbrellas or rain coats.  With such basic issues, it really made us ponder how badly public government projects were handled nowadays, constantly budget overrun and poorly designed.
Take away fast food and eating outside the stadium
Casting away the negative aspects, although Jay’s concert had some sound system issue, the crowd was electrifying and Jay was also able to raise the temperature by singing many of his old favourites and engaging the fans well.  It was a nice concert but our S$200 tickets only allowed us to see Jay at about half an inch tall from our seat.  Indoor stadium still seemed to be much better or maybe travelling abroad next time to attend the concert would be workable too.

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