Our Family Diary

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Enen's First Permanent Tooth : Jun-13

En's mouth of teeth !!
Among the three girls, En was the only who had teeth on her 1st birthday.  En is also the earliest to have her first permanent tooth, well before entering primary 1!

In fact, Qi only visited the school dentist in primary 2 to extract her front milk tooth because her permanent tooth already came out; brave girl!!  Her milk tooth was still so firmly on the gum that the nurse had to inject anesthesia to pull it out.  Xuan's front milk tooth was also shaky in primary 1.  She too, went to the school dentist by herself; brave girl!!  By the time the nurse looked at her tooth, it was so shaky that she juz had to tweak it off!!
Pic with speech bubbles posted on FB
En's first permanent tooth appeared juz before she turned six.  I was pleasantly surprised when she suddenly told me she had something behind her teeth.  It turned out to be a new tooth!!  Don't know why, but I got very excited and fished out the camera to take pictures of her teeth!!  I was very glad too, to see that the baby tooth in front was rather shaky.

After I posted this picture on FB, a few friends advised En to keep pushing her shaky tooth with the tongue to get it to fall off more quickly.  Almost a week passed but that trick did not help.  I finally made a dental appointment for En.
En on the big dentist chair !
This Dr Koh looked after Victor's teeth since he was pretty young.  She extracted and filled most of Victor's teeth, which he subsequently discovered that somehow, her skills was not good and some of his teeth got damaged.  I brought En to her anyway as she was the nearest dentist and I thought En's case was a straightforward and simple one requiring juz a shaky tooth extraction.

En showin off her tooth with gauze in mouth

Dr Koh examined En's teeth and discovered at least three in-between-teeth cavities which needed filling!!  That makes at least six decayed teeth!!  Anyway, those were not urgent and En should not be traumatized by her very first dental visit.  So only her shaky tooth was removed after a jab to numb the pain.  I think she enjoyed pressing the gauze on her gum hole after the extraction!
En showing off her 'lobang' !!

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