Our Family Diary

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Qiqi Is Taller Than Me Now? - Jun-2011

Qiqi has already overtaken me in her shoe size since last year! While I have gradually upgraded my shoes from 5 to 5-half after so many pregnancies, Qiqi is now a steady 7 maybe even going 8! Well, that is really fine by me as I have never aspire to wear boats as shoes..

However, recently.. .. Oh my goodness gracious me!! Qiqi seems to have caught up with my nothing-to-boast-of height!! (>_<)

Has she, really?

Or maybe not? ;P

Though it is pretty much expected, I must still applaud my darling Qiqi for this accomplishment. .. .. because this is something I have never achieved; sadly, I was never taller than Mummy.

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