Friday, September 24, 2010

New Toy, Rebounder : Sep-10

It was a while since we had read about the greatness of a rebounder.  However considering it's size, we had been a bit hesitant in getting one.  It was only recently when i went back to read about it's benefits that i finally decided to get one for the family.  It was great fun!  But i thought that's secondary... by jumping on the rebounder, you could be surprised on the "incredible health returns" you could obtain while having fun. 

These are some of it's benefits: 
  • 68% more efficient than jogging (NASA, Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5): 881-887)
  • Fights fatigue by strengthening the glandular system to increase the capabilities of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the adrenals.
  • Rebounding has a natural analgesic effect on the body which helps to relieve joints and pain in the neck, back, and head through the increase of circulation and oxygen flow.
  • Conditions and strengthens the heart which allows the resting heart to beat less often. This in turn sends a stronger surge of blood through the veins.
  • It provides an extremely effective 'no impact' exercise - especially important for those with less mobility or undergoing rehabilitation.
  • Rebounding has been found to lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • It increases metabolism which assists the body in burning more calories.
  • One of the primary causes of aging is the declining performance of the heart and circulatory system. Rebounding is incredibly effective in increasing the performance of both the heart and the circulatory system and thus slows the aging process.
  • Rebounding specifically stimulates the flow of lymph fluid through the lymphatic system. The change in gravitational forces allows for greater blood flow and this increases the amount of waste and toxins flushed from the body. Rebounding can increase lymph flow by up to 15%!
  • Rebounding has also been found to enhance digestion, relaxation, sleep patterns, nerve impulses and muscle fiber.
  • Blood pressure can be significantly reduced by rebounding. This is achieved by boosting the muscle tone of the middle arterial muscles and the improvements to the circulatory system.

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